Meet the Team

Trinity Rogers
Director | Art of Resistance
The experience of being in Brazil and being welcomed made it feel like home. I was drawn to this project by my passion for social justice, but it has grown to be so much more outside of that. This experience has changed my life, and I will remember it and the people I met forever.

Jameson Ford
Director | Art of Resistance
I have always had a passion for Social Justice and I am so grateful to be given the platform as a director to highlight the voices of the people of Quilombo Quingoma. By the power of human connection and the art of storytelling, we are able to amplify the voices of our collaborators. This experience has allowed me to learn and develop a deeper understanding of the African diaspora specifically in Bahia, Brazil. The collaborators have also been able to teach me so much about myself, my identity, and why it is central to connect to my ancestors and the African spirituality that they possess.

Zenaida De La Cruz
Producer | Art of Resistance, Mestre Guga, & Peaking Through the Sand
I was drawn to this experience because of my passion for social justice. Having the opportunity to produce these documentaries has deepened my love for storytelling. The stories I’ve heard and collaborators I’ve connected with have truly changed my life. I am so thankful for the opportunity to travel to Salvador da Bahia and create lifelong relationships with our collaborators. I look forward to sharing these beautiful stories through the art of film.

Joe Adams
Producer | Art of Resistance, Mestre Guga, & Peaking Through the Sand
Getting to experience and produce these documentaries centered around cultural preservation has been an incredible experience. The stories I have heard and the interactions that I had with our collaborators in Brazil were powerful and something that I will never forget. Through combining my love for filmmaking and social change, I have been able to learn so much from our collaborators, while also working to tell their stories, because everyone needs to hear them. I am excited to see how our films evolve in the post-production process and beyond.

Grace Owusu
Producer | Art of Resistance, Mestre Guga, & Peaking Through the Sand
I want to learn more about myself and what I am capable of doing within myself. From the stories I hear and share, I want to bring happiness and peace to whoever I meet even if just for a moment. I want to be better at giving advice and being a better leader while discovering who I am and what I want to be.

Meg Martin
Director of Photography and Editor | Art of Resistance
Being a cinematographer for this year’s class in Brazil was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The way the Quilombo Qingoma community shared their home and heart with us will stick with me forever. This experience has deepened my love for filmmaking and I can’t wait to help create a story with them that will echo their narrative.

Liam Brennan
Director of Photography and Editor | Art of Resistance
What drew me into this program was my true love for filmmaking and cinematography, but the drive for equality and social justice has furthered my passion. I am honored to have met so many amazing people during our trip to Salvador and even more honored to be entrusted with such amazing stories that we are super excited to share with the world.

Andrea Campos
Director & Editor | Peaking Through the Sand
I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this program and produce a work that is powerful and insightful. I’m looking forward to continue to enrich myself with Afro-Brazilian culture and help amplify the powerful voices and stories that need to be told.

Lauryn Hayes
Line Producer & Director | Peaking Through the Sand
Meeting and developing relationships with our collaborators truly made me reflect on how I can be a better pillar in my community and to my loved ones. The lives they lead are so humbling, yet filled with passion and love. The chance I had to experience the importance of fostering community and forging a meaningful path are what I hope others will be able to feel through our films the most.

Daniela Ortiz
Editor | Peaking Through the Sand
For me, storytelling has always been the most powerful tool in my formal education, but it has also taught me how to be a more understanding person. This course and these people have given me the opportunity to reach unique people in an extremely meaningful and creative way.

Tana Benitez
Director | Mestre Guga
Growing up in a White/Filipino household, my culture is not something I always embraced. Being able to experience the love of other cultures and see how connected others are to their own, I felt a deep envy that allowed me to embody what I once pushed away. This emphasis on cultural preservation combined with a deep passion for filmmaking shows me the significance of storytelling and how important and effective media is in sharing these stories and changing lives.

Makayla Atkinson
Director | Mestre Guga
When the opportunity of Brazil arose, I was excited because of the stereotypical views, but knew nothing of the real beauty within; that’s what I wanted to find. God granted me to not only find that beauty but family. A place that’s supposed to be dangerous and unsafe is where the beauty lied the most, where I was impacted internally the most. My family that God gave me in Brazil were mere reflections of my own, reminding me of those morals and values that are important to have as a genuine human being to become a beacon to people in my own life and in my own community. My “ WHY” is my family, God-given and God-found.

Sarah Ager
Director of Photography and Editor | Mestre Guga
While I love being behind the camera to capture beautiful stories, my time in Brazil taught me that this project is so much more than putting together video clips— it’s about making positive social change, building relationships, and stepping out of your comfort zone. I’m truly inspired by the people we met and the stories they told, and I cannot wait to bring their stories to life on screen.

Ren Shenk
Director of Photography and Editor | Mestre Guga
At first, I was excited to make a film and tell stories, but the second I met our collaborators, the work we were doing felt real and I could see the impact we are creating. Their openness, care, and enthusiasm to have us, despite their own challenges, helped make this much more than a documentary for a class. This experience is unlike any other and has forever changed me for the better.

Tron White
Marketing Executive
I was not sure what to expect out of visiting Salvador, Bahia. It was my first time out of the country (United States) and I was really more nervous than anything. However, that was subsided when I had my first encounter with one of our collaborators. Their vulnerability and truth poured into me and opened my mind to wanting to view, understand, and execute things moving forward. I will forever be grateful to Salvador and its people.

Ava Petrosky
Social Media Chair
I am forever grateful for Salvador, Brazil. The collaborators we have met and the relationships we have formed were components of a truly inspiring experience.

Masseba Dukuly
Director of Spotlight Videos & Initiatives Team
In Brazil, I got to experience people who were very passionate and dedicated to their heritage. After getting to know these people, it became extremely important to me that I not only share their stories, but that I collaborate with them and their community as well.

Alyane Wollery
Head of Initiatives
I am passionate about evoking social change abroad because I desire to act in the face of injustice. This class allows me to put my desires into practice and learn from those around me who are catalysts of change.

Avery Stout
Marketing & Social Media Chair
I joined Stained Glass Films because of the wonderful feedback I have heard from a variety of members of the class..The chance to gain practical experience in filmmaking, editing, and marketing is an incredible opportunity within both the production and communication fields. I am passionate about social justice and am very grateful to share untold stories that contribute to the preservation of Brazilian culture.

Christopher Spears
Podcast Host, Marketing & Editor | Doc Behind the Doc
As an underrepresented student, my drive to help marginalized communities stems from a deep-rooted belief in the fundamental equality of all humans. I am passionate about amplifying the voices of those who are often unheard and am committed to social justice causes. Contributing to initiatives larger than myself is not just a pursuit but a purpose. Additionally, immersing myself in the rich Brazilian culture and embracing the joy of learning are aspects of this journey that I find incredibly fulfilling.

Aubrey Bowles
Director & Editor | Doc Behind the Doc
I am very interested in how documentaries are made in terms of the filming and editing, but the story as to why the documentaries are made is what interests me the most. I love hearing about people’s journeys and learning how I can make a positive impact on their lives. This class allows me to help make a documentary as well as help others, so it really is such a blessing to be part of such a great group of individuals who want to do the same.

Chloe Floyd
Marketing & Editor | Spotlights
I have always had a passion for filmmaking and social justice which is why I am so excited to have the opportunity to be apart of this group. I believe by shinning light on these different communities and bringing awareness through storytelling, we can really create a lasting impact on those around us.